I think this is our very first picture together.
We (me, Nicole and him, Mike) are an overly lovey-dovey couple, do-it-yourself couple.

We met in March of 2010. I was out at a club celebrating my cousin Raina's birthday, and I saw this cute boy standing near by. I made the mistake of asking Raina who he was, and next thing I know, I was being shoved into him... and the rest is happy history.

Renovating this house combines two of our favorite things: spending time together and taking on big challenges. We both decided that blogging and photologging the whole process would only make us appreciate it that much more when it's all over. Also, since this is our first time doing anything like this, we figured it would be neat to keep a diary of our wins and our mistakes.

It also gives us an easy way to share the progress with our family members who can't constantly drop in and visit.

We hope that any and all reading enjoy our happy trials and tribulations.