Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tack Strip: The Nemesis

Before I say anything... THE AC IS WORKING AGAIN!

All is right in the world again, and we can work in our house with out fear of sweaty and greasily unattractive death.

Anyway. We honestly didn't have much on the agenda for today.

The main thing: Get all of the tack strip off of the floor.

I didn't actually have anything to do with this. I was painting the hallway. Mike's brother Mathew was painting the ceiling.

No, naturally, we let the one with stitches in his hand remove 3 rooms of old, rusted tack strip.

Yes, he did an amazing job. And got up most of the master bedroom (and it's two closets) tack strip. Chunks of floor did come up with some of it, but for the most part it went pretty well.

I painted the hallway. And attempted to paint the stairway... but I'm really short... and that was really unsuccessful. The color we used here is Castle Path by Behr. In the picture you can see the army green that was on the wall before. Yuck.

So yeah. That was enough of that. It was on to the most exciting and important plans of the day.

The bottle of tanning lotion was not as confusing as I made it seem.

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