Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bye Bye Bad Flooring PT. 2

 We have updates on the flooring.

Firstly... This is what our floor looked like yesterday morning.

This is what it looked like when we left last night.

And this is what it looks like today.

Oww owww.
It still needs to be sealed and what not, but this is very exciting.

Alejandro is also almost finished with the bathrooms upstairs. They looked like this yesterday.

And now:

Yes, so that's the update on that.

We also decided to start progress on another nasty problem in the house: The carpet.

Not a great picture, but EW, right? It was actually relatively new carpet. But these people were just THAT dirty.

We took up all the carpet in all of the bedrooms, but we still have the hallway and stairway to do.

We decided to go back to a place we found while we were driving one day: Dalton Direct Carpet Outlet Inc. in Norcross.

The remnant warehouse.

We don't need that much, so we went to the their showroom/warehouse and looked for a piece for our project.

After 30 seconds of looking, we both saw one that we loved.

It's the Casanova carpet by Beaulieu, in the color Delta Sands (buy here). We a little under $300 for the whole remnant piece, which will cover the hallway, closets, and stairs. And since we're going to put it in ourselves, labor costs will be $0. And that's a win.

Here is an upclose shot.

We liked it because its a really tightly woven carpet. So, when we get our dog we don't have to worry about him/her pulling it up.

So that's the end of part 2 of our Horrible Flooring Adventure. More to come soon.

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