Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Power of Three

Today was this exciting... times THREE.

That title might be little bit more epic than required for this post.

But the work we got done today was fairly awesome, so the epic title might be appropriate.

For the past few days, Mike and I have tried really hard to finish the master bedroom flooring.

Scratch that. Finishing it might be a stretch... trying to even work on the flooring has been hard for us.

For some reason, it's been so difficult. It's like we hit a wall. We both got tired of the whole home improvement thing. We literally would walk into the house, change into our "working clothes", then sit on the floor and talk about how tired we are and how much we hate everything.

It was pretty bad.

But today, with a renewed gusto, and my brother Marco's help, we knocked A LOT out.

This is where we started.

A few shots of the in between work.

Trust me, barefoot is the best and least safe way to do this.

And after.

Finally !

That's unadulterated excitement right there.

There are no before and afters yet, because we aren't actually completely finished, but if you only look at 3/4 of the room, it looks amazing ;-)

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