Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Removing Old Nasty Carpet

Today we tackled a huge, long awaited projects.

We pulled out all of the nasty, dusty, smelly carpet that is all over the top floor.

Except for the places we plan on keeping carpet (NOT this carpet, but new carpet), every piece of it and its dirty little underlay was torn out.

And holy crap, does it look and smell better all over the top floor.

It was so easy. Probably because it was poorly installed (like everything in this house). So all we had to do was tug on the corners.

It's like they never vacuumed... ever.
Ignore the renovation-inappropriate workout clothes.
"Throw it out the window like a giant burrito," said Mike.
And we did. It all went straight out the window onto the front porch area. We did all the rooms.

It looks SO much better.
And finally, from the porch, it went into the truck. And off to a far away land where we hopefully never have to see it ever again.

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