Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The DIYers Second Home

People told us this would happen. And we kind of believed them. Kind of.

We figured they were just being dramatic. Home Depot? Everyday? No way.

We lose.
Not only have we been there every day, but I think we kind of like going... I think. What did we get today?
  • A new garage door opener, since the current one is deceased. And also allows entry from a very random outside button (see right).
  • Rollers, extenders, trim buckets, tape, etc.
  • A brushed nickle peephole. The old one is brass, with cracks in the glass.
  • A new brushed nickle door knob and deadbolt.
  • Eco-friendly light bulbs for the garage.

Once we got back, it was time to prime two more rooms: the guest room and the kitchen. The guest room was previous painted baby blue with a dark blue accent wall. Sounds nice in theory, but not in application. So it had to go. The second room to be primed... the obnoxious red dining/living room.
Don't worry, the floors are leaving too.
 We finished the dining room and called it a day. It was hot and we were hungry. And we felt like we had maxed out on accomplishments for the day.

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